3 Key Reasons To Be A Good Neighbor And Community Member
/National Good Neighbor Day is observed annually on September 28.
Neighbors are an integral part of our social lives. Good Neighbor Day on September 28 is an annual holiday that promotes neighborliness and niceness towards people who surround us.
According to a NAR Community Preference Survey, 78% of respondents said that the neighborhood is more important to them than the size of the home. Neighbors are the ones you live within the same geographical area, share the same street, the same park, play with your children and are the closest to your family.
People are so quick to be at odds with their neighbors for various reasons. Neighborhood battles have been going on for years. There are several reasons why you should invest in getting to know your neighbor and cultivate a friendship with them.
3 Key Reasons To Be A Good Neighbor And Community Member
1. Peace and Harmony: No one really likes living a stressful life. Most of us dream of owning our home and living happily ever after. There can be no peace when you are fighting with your neighbors. Try to accept your neighbors, respect their differences and their lifestyle. With all of the crime in America people resort to unlawful and crazy actions when challenged by neighbors. Strive to maintain a peaceful home, street, and most of all contribute to peace and harmony in your community.
2. Your Family's Safety: It's a good feeling to know that your neighbor has your back. A good relationship with your neighbor can benefit you in many ways. If you go on vacation they can watch after your home. If your child is out in the community they can have an eye on any situation you may not see, they can come to your rescue if you have an emergency at home or offer family support in a crisis.
3. Contribute to the Community: When all neighbors are living peacefully the overall community lives at peace. Law enforcement is not frequently visiting the neighborhood and the value of the community is regarded higher. When the residents are living harmoniously the community is a better place for everyone.
Since 1985, Association Management Group (AMG) has offered clients a proven track record of excellence as the Carolinas' leading property management organization. Our goal is to preserve, protect and enhance the value of our client communities, which include homeowner Associations, condominium Associations, planned unit developments and common interest office communities. Our unique and proprietary systems keep our clients’ communities running smoothly, elevating the community Association experience for more than 30,000 property owners and community residents across North and South Carolina.
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