Homeowner Tips: Baby on the Way? Learn How to Child-proof Your Home so Your Baby Is Safe From Harm


Do you have a baby on the way? If so, you are likely already wondering how you are supposed to make your home safe from harm. The good news is that with a little work, you'll be able to make your house or apartment that much safer. Let's take a look at how you can child-proof your home in under a few hours.

Start With The Baby's Bedroom

For the first few months, your baby will be spending a lot of time either sleeping or resting in their crib. You'll want to keep the crib away from any cords, blinds, drapes or other items the baby might get their hands on. The crib itself should meet federal safety regulations and should be comfortable without being too restrictive.

Keep a watchful eye out for anything loose that the baby might be able to put in its mouth. All choking hazards should be kept well away from a crib.

Baby-Proofing The Halls And Stairs

Next, it's time to take a quick sweep through your halls and stairways. Once your baby starts crawling, they're at risk for falls and other issues. Go through your hallways and look for any items that the child might pull over. For example, if you have hall tables with plants or pictures on them, are there any fabric items which the baby might be able to reach?

Your stairways should have some sort of baby guards placed in front of them at all times. If possible, you'll also want your stairs to be carpeted. This can help to reduce injury if your child takes a tumble down the stairs.

Keeping The Kitchen Safe

Finally, don't forget the kitchen. There are all sorts of dangerous items in the average kitchen, from heavy appliances with loose cords to tablecloths that can lead to utensils on the floor. In short, everything should be kept in drawers and out of a child's reach. Cupboards should be secured so that a baby can't open them. If you want to go a bit further, consider installing some padding on the legs of hard kitchen furniture and on corners where a baby could bump their head.

It's almost impossible to fully baby-proof a home, but the above checklist is a good start. 


Downsizing? Here's What You Can Expect When You Move From a House to a Condo


Whether the kids have moved out or you just aren't using the extra bedrooms, having a house that feels 'too big' is rarely fun. In today's post, we will share a few changes you can expect when you downsize from a large house to a smaller apartment or condo.

Why Downsize At All?

As you might imagine, having too much space is the primary reason that couples and families downsize. Larger homes cost more to maintain and can feel empty if it's just one or two people living there. In many cases, old items and clutter tend to build up as there is so much storage space. Downsizing to a smaller home helps to maintain a lifestyle that is more efficient but no less luxurious.

Ask Yourself: Are You Ready?

Another consideration that you will need to make: are you ready to move? If you are retired from work, then you likely have enough time on your hands to manage a move. Conversely, if you and your spouse are both working full-time and live near your workplace, you may want to source a smaller home nearby.

Don't forget that if you own the house you are living in now, this might mean having to list and sell it while buying your new home. This is a common situation and isn't a significant problem, but it will require a bit of scheduling and financial planning.

The Hardest Part: Choosing What To Keep

Ask any couple or family that has downsized their home about the toughest part, and many will share that it was choosing what stays and what goes. When space is at a premium, everything from shoes to appliances needs to be considered.

Spend some time going through each room in your house, taking an inventory of what you have. Are there any family heirlooms or other emotional items that you can't part ways with? After that, is there anything that will be usable in your new home? Everything else should be considered fair game. Sell it, donate it or toss it out.

Moving to a smaller home can seem challenging at first, but it is a lifestyle choice that can pay significant dividends. When you are ready to make a move, contact our professional real estate team. After discussing your wants and needs, we will be happy to recommend some perfect local listings.

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More 'Pet Friendly'


Whether you're moving to a new home or you have a new family pet, it can be a struggle to make the place a little friendlier for them. From the garbage can to the cupboards and doors, there can be a lot of dangers that have the ability to hurt your furry friend you might not be aware of. If you're looking for some simple ways to make their life a little easier, here are a few things you can do.

Take Care Of The Trash

The image of dogs sifting through the trash is common for a reason, so it's important to guard your animal against the dangers of the dustbin. In addition to taking out any perishable goods on a consistent basis, it's a worthwhile investment to purchase a tougher trash bin that your animal can't get into. This will insure they won't be able to get at foods like fruit pits, coffee grounds and chocolate, which can be very harmful to their system.

Pick The Right Flooring

If you have the choice, ceramic tile or hardwood can be a great way to alleviate the tidy-up of having a live-in pet since you can easily wipe or sweep away the damage. If this isn't possible and carpet is your only option, stick with something that closely matches the color of your pet. As well, if you're letting your pet on the furniture, it's worth investing in materials like leather and suede that are more durable and easy to clean.

Give Them Their 'Space'

You may not have to worry about cleaning up after your pet as much if you can provide them with a space that's all their own. While it doesn't have to be anything fancy or sprawling, providing a comfortable bed where they like to nap and a water bowl or selection of toys will do the trick in making them feel right at home. It may also have the added benefit of keeping them away from the family couch!

Many homeowners are so pre-occupied with making themselves comfortable in their family home that they forget about the animal in the family. While it won't necessarily take much to please your pet, watching the waste and giving them their own comfortable area can go a long way in making your home pet-friendly.


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As we start this New Year it is imperative that every association check the master insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage is in place.  Full replacement cost coverage sounds great but doesn’t mean your association is fully insured – especially older buildings -- which may require code upgrades following a casualty.  All coverages – including the often neglected Ordinance or Law coverage which is needed for code upgrades to be funded – must be adequate.  When in doubt, call your attorney and insurance agent and make sure your insurance is adequate so your Association will have a Happy New Year -  even if disaster does strike.

Source: MEEB (Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks)