Going Green(er): 3 Common Waste Items You Had No Idea You Can Recycle


Going green is not just for plastic, glass and newspapers. There are many items people use everyday that they don't know they can recycle.

It has never been more popular to abide by a green lifestyle and develop sustainable living practices that will help the planet. Fortunately, while you may be used to recycling cardboard boxes and giving away your clothes, there are probably a few household items you didn't even know you could recycle! If you're wondering what to do with some of your old, used items, here are a few things that may be ready for re-use.

Re-constituting Your Lenses

It's common to think your eyeglass prescription only works for you, but an easy way to re-use old eyeglasses is to take them to your local eye glass store or even to the doctor's office so that they can make use of them. Not only will someone in need be able to use the frames that you've provided, your lenses may be donated to another person with a similar prescription who will truly appreciate what they've been given!

Old Phones & Electronics

It can be tempting to throw out an old phone with a shattered screen or an aging laptop that no longer turns on properly; however, with technology being obsolete as soon as it hits the market, it's more important than ever to recycle these items. Old technology like iPods, iPhones, cell phones, chargers and digital cameras can be taken to your local Staples and recycled as part of their e-waste program. Before discarding any electronics, you may want to consider other local places that offer recycling for your old toys.

Improving Your Oil Change

While there are many renewable solutions on the market, oil is still the most common resource when it comes to powering the transportation of the world. Fortunately, while an oil change may be necessary maintenance on your car now and then, you can be more environmentally friendly by going to an auto repair place that recycles and re-refines your oil. Before you make a trip to your old auto body shop, look at Motor Oil Recycling Locations on Earth911 for some options in your area.

It's easy enough to compost food and throw your cardboard boxes in the bin, but there are many common waste items that can be re-used in your local community. If you're looking for ways to go green contact your HOA and request community events and public information regarding recycling in your metro area.

Spring Cleaning: 3 Weekend Cleaning Projects That Will Transform Your Home

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The season of spring may be a time for blooming flowers and warmer weather, but it's also synonymous with the idea of spring-cleaning. Whether you clean out your house every year or you haven't seen the back of your closets in years, here are a few springtime projects that will instantly change your home – and clean up your life!

Clearing Up The Garage

There are few things that manage to attract excess stuff like the garage, and leftover junk can be an even bigger problem in a 2-car space. Fortunately, spring can be a good time to get rid of the excess and improve the look of your home from one of its main access points. By making a 'throw away', 'give away' and 'keep' pile, you'll be able to whittle down the amount of stuff in your garage and find a new place for it when you're done tidying up. It may be a bit of work, but it will be worth the effort.

Re-Envision The Living Room

For most families, the living room is the place where they spend a lot of time, and that can mean that it easily gets covered in a lot of paper and the furniture's a little worse for wear. Take a weekend day to clear away the excess, vacuum the floors and wash the walls. Change the layout for an instantly updated look. If you're really invested in a renovation, you may even want to reupholster a couch or armchair that's seen better days.

Tackle The Yard

The yard may not be a room in your home, but it is one of the first things that will make an impression on visitors and passerby's so it's important to keep it looking good. It's a good start if your yard is already clutter free, but spring is a good time to clear away the flower boxes and pluck the weeds, as well as cutting back any overgrown hedges. If you're feeling ambitious, you may even want to clean out your shed or renovate your patio for an improved exterior look.

Spring-cleaning may be a dreaded term, but it can be a good opportunity to clear away some of the stuff you haven't used and instantly improve your home's appearance.

AMG President Paul Mengert To Compete In “Dancing With The Carolina Stars:” Charity Competition Feb. 10 Raises Money For Operation Smile 

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GREENSBORO, N.C. -- Paul K. Mengert, president and CEO of Association Management Group, Inc., will put on his dancing shoes Saturday, February 10, to compete in the 10th annual “Dancing With The Carolina Stars” competition to benefit Operation Smile. The pro-am event will be held at the Empire Room in Downtown Greensboro. 

For more than 30 years, Paul and his wife, May Gayle, have regularly dedicated a considerable amount of their time to philanthropy and charity work across the globe. Operation Smile is an international medical charity that provides cleft lip and palate repair surgeries to children worldwide.  

“I have been paired with a professional dancer in a routine called ‘Come Fly With Me,’ Mengert said. “I must say we have been practicing, and it should be a very fun evening.” 

“I am excited to deliver a great performance, but what really matters is helping Operation Smile raise money to help children with cleft lip and palate deformities receive the care they need through life-changing surgeries,” Mengert said. 

Mengert noted that every three minutes, a child somewhere in the world is born with this disfiguring condition. For every $1,000 raised, approximately four children with cleft conditions will receive life-saving surgery. 

To donate to Operation Smile’s fundraising efforts through Dancing with the Carolina Stars, please visit http://bit.do/mengertsmile

For more information, please visit www.operationsmile.org